Stewardship is using the gifts God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do.
The Commission on Stewardship serves the worshipping communities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta and beyond. Our mission is to mobilize clergy and lay leaders to develop stewardship resources, enabling parishes to worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually.
Members of the Commission on Stewardship serve as consultants and guest leaders for annual stewardship campaigns, vestry and leadership workshops/retreats, and as a general stewardship resource for parish leaders.
The Commission on Stewardship also offers free scripture-based, practical training events for clergy and lay stewardship leaders. These workshops include the scriptural building blocks of Christian Stewardship, resources for organizing the annual stewardship program, a framework for starting a year-round stewardship program, the importance of storytelling in Stewardship, and ways to begin holy stewardship conversations in the parish.
Whether you are brand new to Stewardship and don’t know where to begin or an old pro looking for new ideas, we are here to help! Contact Tammy Pallot (tammypallot@gmail.com, (478) 954-5441) for more information.
Commission on Stewardship Members
Tammy Pallot, Chair (Macon)
Julia Gable (Decatur)
Ginny Heckel (Clayton)
Bill Monk (Atlanta)
Lindsey Hardegree (Planned Giving)
The Commission on Stewardship is Seeking New Members
The Commission on Stewardship of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta is looking for new members!
The Commission serves the worshipping communities throughout the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Our mission is to mobilize clergy and lay leaders to develop stewardship resources, enabling parishes to worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually.
Members of the Commission on Stewardship serve as consultants and guest leaders for annual stewardship campaigns, vestry, and leadership workshops/retreats, and as a general stewardship resource for parish leaders.
The Commission on Stewardship also offers free scripture-based, practical training events for clergy and lay stewardship leaders. These workshops include the scriptural building blocks of Christian Stewardship, resources for organizing the annual stewardship program, a framework for starting a year-round stewardship program, the importance of storytelling in stewardship, and ways to begin holy stewardship conversations in the parish.
Whether you are brand new to Stewardship and do not know where to begin, or an old pro looking for innovative ideas, we are here to help! Contact Tammy Pallot (tammypallot@gmail.com, (478) 954-5441) for more information.
We look forward to having a conversation with you.